Tuesday, March 30, 2010

3 Months!!

When did a few blinks allow THREE MONTHS to pass?!?  It shouldn't be allowed to pass so quickly!

My little girl!  8lbs 4.8oz, 20" long and her big head...and all of her has just kept growing!

She is now over 15 1/2lbs, over 24" and her head is still big.  She keeps getting more adorable!
Watching her learn and grow is the most amazing thing I have ever experienced.  To see you baby smile on purpose after so many days and nights of reflexive smiles only brings tears of excitement.  Having her prefering Momma to whoever is holding her at the family function makes your heart silently soar.  Seeing her discover that kicking makes the bouncer bounce and watching the joy on her face is probably more fun than she has bouncing.  She sleeps through the night and Momma has gotten her ability to sleep through the night again finally!

Three months are not near as long as they used to be and that excites me as well as terrifies me.  I want every moment I can have to snuggle my baby girl.  I want to enjoy the time where she still can't move without me.  I also look forward to helping her learn crawling and then walking.  I want to see new tricks that she discovers like holding toys (and my most desired--controlling her own nuk!).

Her three month pictures were taken by a very talented friend who has just recently started up her photography business.  All the pictures in my brag post before this one were taken by Kala S.  You should all check out her Facebook Fan Page!  L.O.V. Photography stands for Language of Vision and I couldn't be prouder of her!

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