Thursday, March 18, 2010

Pink Elephants

I feel I should make a small post just to explain the title of my blog.  When we found out we were expecting a little girl the pink started rolling in (not the least of which from my own shopping bags--oops)!  Well, as I started putting clothes away I noticed that all my favorite outfits had an elephant on them and the most adorable Carter's pj's EVER were just waiting to keep my baby warm.  My husband was teasing me about the elephant obsession I was quickly developing.  It seemed that everything I was picking up off the shelves had an elephant on it somewhere.  Alyssa even has a stuffed keepsake elephant that we bought her and had personalized for her, and yes, it is pink!

I must admit that I do not have her dressed in elephants every single day, or even most days.  I simply refuse to choose her favorite animal for her so she is not going to be overwhelmed with elephants of any color but for now, I will continue to adore our pink elephants.

1 comment:

  1. I was the same way with my daughter and giraffes. Don't know why.
